Our Mission
Supporting conservation of an imperiled ecosystem and an endangered species through film, photography, journalism & collaboration.
Pressure from human activities
Mountain Caribou serve as a “canary in the coal mine”, their continued decline reflecting pressure from human resource extraction, recreation activities, and climate change on the remote and beautiful landscapes that these majestic caribou call home.
How You Can Help
The world’s last remaining inland temperate rainforest is threatened today by unsustainable industrial logging and other resource extraction activities. We aim to create a future for this ecosystem that works for ancient forests and people alike, but we cannot achieve our goals alone. Find out how you can help.

What We Do
COMpelling Visual StoryTelling
On the ground reporting: Bringing news directly from the region.
Photography and video content: Production of a wide variety of visual media to support journalism and conservation efforts to understand and educate the public about the Caribou Rainforest.
Articles and photo essays: Photo essays, stories and video content presented in widely distributed international publications.
Social media outreach: Raising awareness about the Caribou Rainforest directly through grassroots campaigns.
Public presentations: Educational slideshows to raise local awareness and engage community conversations.
Publications: Print and internet media productions including the award winning book Caribou Rainforest: From Heartbreak to Hope and film, Last Stand: The Vanishing Caribou Rainforest.
Support existing conservation efforts: Provide content for nonprofit partners to support ongoing conservation campaigns.
Caribou Rainforest
From Heartbreak to Hope
In a North American rainforest, that few people even know exists, about a dozen dwindling herds of caribou are struggling to survive.
Caribou Rainforest doesn’t tell an easy story, ask easy questions, or pretend that there are easy solutions to the possible extinction of the last mountain caribou herds found in Canada and the United States. There are fewer than twenty animals left in the last US herd. Yet what Caribou Rainforest does—with photographs, words, and science—is explain why this is happening, so that as a community we don’t repeat our mistakes, even when our intentions are good.
Last Stand
The Vanishing Caribou Rainforest
Hidden in the interior of the Pacific Northwest is the largest remaining inland temperate rainforest on earth. This magnificent landscape is home to numerous First Nations communities, thousand year old trees and critical habitat for endangered species like mountain caribou. However, industrial development has pushed this ecosystem to the tipping point. The 34 minute documentary “Last Stand” puts the Caribou Rainforest on the map before it’s too late.